Dr. Shane JC proudly -- presents --
... ... ...
Raw and provocative, organic writing with purpose -- i.e., for results, at its finest.
A simple narrative, penned-by a rather organic writer, agile storyteller.
To tell you the straight-truth this is officially the 44th book as arranged and composed by none other than 'Second-2-None -- STUDIO's (c)(sm)" own.
Dr. Shane quips, as it concerns artificial intelligence (i.e., AI), who can begin to deny that it has its benefits. Specifically, as applied to overall structure and organization of my developed literary content.
Yet, as it concerns being a prodigious writer, AI is a hindrance. It gets in the way! Afterall, the difference between an organic writer and a pseudo-writer center on vision, originality of thought, and initiation of resonating content!
Like all other tech-advances, it needs to be regulated and protected even constrained with essential boundaries which for certain distinguishes Invaluable reality apart from exceptionally mediocre -- i.e., illusionary deceit.
Next, as a very critical sidebar caveat-pointe, Shane JC was invigorated, yep even deeply moved to commence into his writing craft-practice after a brief, yet riveting conversation with the late and legendary Zig Ziglar.
The so much more than extraordinary communicative titan who stated it best when saying, "if you want respect in your arena, then get to writing that book" (n.d.).
And so, here we now stand upright, postured, and fully capable, even 44 goodreads later! Well, technically this is a two-part book. Here it now is, for the record, numbers 44 and 45. But who's counting? Eh! Lol
So electrifying, back onto a serious note in fact, that the readers are expected to become invigorated, electrified, healed and outright resuscitated within both the human psyche' and psuche'.
To say it clearly, those who encounter these original works are ever so changed for the better.
So, without further ado, we present to you... the "Iamtheone (c)(sm) EXPERIENCE.
What in the double-heck is this strange name, perhaps you might ask if not think within! And that is a fair question to consider. Let's proceed.
Were you even aware that in the grand tapestry of existence, each individual embodies a unique essence, an elemental force that denes their identity and potential.
This element, aptly termed as "You," serves as the cornerstone of self-realization and self-alignment.
Much like the 118 elements found on the periodic table, which all interacts to create the very fabric of the universe, your elemental innate self is a singular component with the power to transform reality.
Embracing this element allows educators, innovators, and creatives all alike to unlock hidden strengths.
This fosters an environment where authenticity and innovation both flourishes.
For this so often rigorous at time vexating and so alluring journey to self-alignment begins with the acceptance of oneself in totality.
In fact, it is vital to recognize that every experience, emotion, and thought contributes to the intricate design of anyone is -- you are.
Wait, that is all for now. We certainly do not want to overwhelm you.
For optimum impact, let's slow down a bit and ingest the material one revelational nugget at-a-time.
Sounds good! And, for more detailed and in-depth understanding of this enigmatic and mystifying phenomenon -- i.e., aptly titled as "IAMTHEONE (c)(sm)", keep proceeding forward!
Well, see you over there! Let's continue.
5-4 ... 3-2 ... 1. Ignition!
Subject: "Iamtheone (c)(sm)."
Subheading: The 119th Periodical Element.
Context: Sunday Cafe': Coffee, Grits, Croissants, Kolaches,
Cannolis & 24-carat Caveats.
Underpinning: Activate Your Innate Design Thinking - Elemental
Tone and Tenor: Metamorphosis –tapping into the potency deep
Theme: Becoming the Epic Design Thinker and Innovative
IP: Copyright (c) 2025-2037 Shane J Chrbnt-Phd. All Rights are
Reserved. International rights are preserved, protected, and
-dated: 16th of February 2025.
-timestamp: 1:15:05:01pm, CDT.
Kindle Access Hyperlink: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXCCP497
Community of Resonating Thought Ideators (c)(sm) here on this very familiar Meta-Facebook social media platform.
Hey there! What's up, and how is it going for you on this serendipitous even serene Sunday? Regardless of the actual time within your locus of influence with impact, we are so glad you have dropped-in to visit. Thanks!
Here's a question, are you still working diligently towards achieving your innermost goals and deepest aspirations, professionally speaking? Or, perhaps on the other hand, have you decided to prioritize your overall health, physicality, mentality, and outright wholesomeness?
Essentially, what this means is unplugging the technology, disconnecting from the grid for a few moments, and outright relaxing until you resuscitate emotionally, mentally, intellectually, psychologically for example?
Next, as it pertains to diving into a brief snippet of the collective book-text itself, here it is!
The "Iamtheone (c)(sm) EXPERIENCE. In the grand tapestry of existence, everyone embodies a unique essence, an elemental force that delineates his/her identity and full potentiality. This element, aptly termed as "You,” serves as the prime cornerstone of self-realization and self-alignment.
Much like the 118 elements found on the periodic table, which all interacts to create the very fabric of the universe, your elemental innate self is a singular component with the power to transform reality.
Embracing this element allows educators, innovators, and creatives alike to unlock hidden strengths, fostering an environment where authenticity and innovation both flourishes. As a conclusive caveat, were you aware that this riveting and so often vexating journey to self-alignment begins with the acceptance of oneself in totality.
It is vital to recognize that every experience, emotion, and thought contributes to the intricate design of anyone is -- you are.
For educators and trainers, this understanding can be revolutionary, as it encourages the cultivation of an inclusive atmosphere where students feel valued and understood.
Social workers and medical practitioners can utilize this insight to connect more deeply with their clients, promoting healing and growth through genuine engagement.
Thanks for your time and undivided attention. For the full and complete manuscript, simply go to: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXCCP497
We Are... You Can... I Am...
-- Simply Jazzing --
I am... Shane J Chrbnt-Phd.
Founder and CIO of the 'Second-2-None -- STUDIOS (c)(sm).'
Email: drshanecharbo@gmail.com
Voice/SMS-Text: +1 (682) 233-3894.
WhatsAppBiz: +1 (469) 226-3103
Corresponding Book Hyperlink: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DXCCP497
Innovative Insights: HCD/UXDE.

The Human Optimization Institute (c)(sm) -- proudly presents --
Author. Design Thinker, and
Communicator & Trainer Aficionado.
-- Design Innovator --

-- The Next Door Aficionadic (c)(sm). --

Site Slogan: "Crafting Content and Copy that Connects With
and Impacts All Who Read. I #Exist to provide You
#Excellence!" Putting it mildly, I Write (well) therefore I Am!"
I am... Shane JC
Copyright 2025-2037 Shane JC, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. International
rights are preserved, protected, and honored.

A Brief Tidbit Snippet About:
Design Thinker and Consultant
Author of 40(+) Books.
Dr. Shane JC.

So, I have been told. Encapsulating the very heart, mind, and soul of a true-to-the-core quite organical [[human factors-centric]] and [[user design experience-centric]] aficionado.
Background in ((Design and Innovation)) plus User Design Intricacies, I have a rather broad and very robust understanding of the steps, the methods, and the processes all of which are essential necessities for grasping precisely what it is that the user needs. This might include you! Let's proceed?
Most enthused about employing novel and cutting-edge approaches-modalities. Yet, simultaneously remaining disciplined when it comes unto applying design fundamentals and rudiments -- i.e., applied to -- masterful at 'second-2-none' (Writing), (Storytelling), (Information Architecture) and overall composition where pen meets paper -- digitally speaking.
Have been a "innovator and design-minded" professional for literally 75-percent of my prodigious life, so far. In fact, I began my earliest design and developmental conceptualizations even prior to graduating from secondary-level studies.
At that time this involved nothing more than employing simple black and white visual narratives-frameworks. Eventually as I progressed with undeniable mastery, I then began integrating the infinite color hues: highlighted with acrylics, watercolors, and at-time even raw and synthetic oils.
Revered as a savvy and skilled eagle-eye. Relevant unto the natural color spectrum. Essentially, when it comes to (shades or hues) of any color, this might sound a bit far-fetched, but I can actually see into the broader and richer color spectrum-range.
Simply put, whereas most practitioners see/perceive the basic red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple color variety, I can visualize and conceptualize hundreds of different shades of "each color"! This can be taught, know this!
Empathetically speaking, I am a very skilled UX Writer (Wr) and Visual Designer (Vi De) and ever so prioritizes satisficing user needs until the project-work is accepted as completed.
We can... You are... I am...
-- Simply Resonating --
As far as official feedback/feed-forward from an anonymous literary aficionadic: "The thing that astonishes me the most about Dr. Shane JC is that he never fails to deliver, demonstrate and far exceed all human limitations as applied to wholesome, sound and otherwise surrealistic communication (January 12, 2025).
For he masterfully delights in the manner that he cuts through familiar upto and including provocative words, ideas, and notions -- i.e., arrangement, composition, syntax, semantics, mechanics, prose, etcetera, ever so with the undeniable grace, skill, savviness, and simple expertise of a Ginsu MasterChef at-work. (Janet T., June 5, 2024)."
Kathleen W. states that "in this age that we live, it is astonishing to witness a secure in himself male being able to navigate through the murky waters of creation, innovation, and design faculty with such great ease.
For Shane has this way about himself that he is so secure in himself in what he does that he has no apparent limitations holding him back from what I believe, he is capable of developing" (May 2014).
Wendy A. even assures that "I will never forget the time I was in dire need of a design project being completed. I do mean that i had a very pressing deadline fast approaching. I was anxious. I was stressed.
That is until I met Shane. He assured me that he would be able to help me. And boy did he ever do it! My finished project exceeded all expectation. Thank you, Shane!" (n.d.).
Email: sjcuiux91@gmail.com.
Voice/SMS-Text: +1 (682) 233-3894.
WhatsApp: +1 (469) 226-3103.
1)YouTube Channel -- Doctor of UDesign (c)(sm):
4) Newsletters:
a. https://doctor-of-udesign-hcdi-uxde-centric-c-sm.ihub.app/home?postTypeId=whatsNew
b. https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/innovative-insights-hcd-uxde-7021588405067161600/