The Human Optimization Institute (c)(sm) -- proudly presents --
Author. Design Thinker, and
Communicator & Trainer Aficionado.
-- Design Innovator --

-- The Next Door Aficionadic (c)(sm). --

Site Slogan: "Crafting Content and Copy that Connects With
and Impacts All Who Read. I #Exist to provide You
#Excellence!" Putting it mildly, I Write (well) therefore I Am!"
I am... Shane JC
Copyright 2025-2037 Shane JC, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. International
rights are preserved, protected, and honored.

A Brief Tidbit Snippet About:
Design Thinker and Consultant
Author of 40(+) Books.
Dr. Shane JC.

So, I have been told. Encapsulating the very heart, mind, and soul of a true-to-the-core quite organical [[human factors-centric]] and [[user design experience-centric]] aficionado.
Background in ((Design and Innovation)) plus User Design Intricacies, I have a rather broad and very robust understanding of the steps, the methods, and the processes all of which are essential necessities for grasping precisely what it is that the user needs. This might include you! Let's proceed?
Most enthused about employing novel and cutting-edge approaches-modalities. Yet, simultaneously remaining disciplined when it comes unto applying design fundamentals and rudiments -- i.e., applied to -- masterful at 'second-2-none' (Writing), (Storytelling), (Information Architecture) and overall composition where pen meets paper -- digitally speaking.
Have been a "innovator and design-minded" professional for literally 75-percent of my prodigious life, so far. In fact, I began my earliest design and developmental conceptualizations even prior to graduating from secondary-level studies.
At that time this involved nothing more than employing simple black and white visual narratives-frameworks. Eventually as I progressed with undeniable mastery, I then began integrating the infinite color hues: highlighted with acrylics, watercolors, and at-time even raw and synthetic oils.
Revered as a savvy and skilled eagle-eye. Relevant unto the natural color spectrum. Essentially, when it comes to (shades or hues) of any color, this might sound a bit far-fetched, but I can actually see into the broader and richer color spectrum-range.
Simply put, whereas most practitioners see/perceive the basic red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple color variety, I can visualize and conceptualize hundreds of different shades of "each color"! This can be taught, know this!
Empathetically speaking, I am a very skilled UX Writer (Wr) and Visual Designer (Vi De) and ever so prioritizes satisficing user needs until the project-work is accepted as completed.
We can... You are... I am...
-- Simply Resonating --
As far as official feedback/feed-forward from an anonymous literary aficionadic: "The thing that astonishes me the most about Dr. Shane JC is that he never fails to deliver, demonstrate and far exceed all human limitations as applied to wholesome, sound and otherwise surrealistic communication (January 12, 2025).
For he masterfully delights in the manner that he cuts through familiar upto and including provocative words, ideas, and notions -- i.e., arrangement, composition, syntax, semantics, mechanics, prose, etcetera, ever so with the undeniable grace, skill, savviness, and simple expertise of a Ginsu MasterChef at-work. (Janet T., June 5, 2024)."
Kathleen W. states that "in this age that we live, it is astonishing to witness a secure in himself male being able to navigate through the murky waters of creation, innovation, and design faculty with such great ease.
For Shane has this way about himself that he is so secure in himself in what he does that he has no apparent limitations holding him back from what I believe, he is capable of developing" (May 2014).
Wendy A. even assures that "I will never forget the time I was in dire need of a design project being completed. I do mean that i had a very pressing deadline fast approaching. I was anxious. I was stressed.
That is until I met Shane. He assured me that he would be able to help me. And boy did he ever do it! My finished project exceeded all expectation. Thank you, Shane!" (n.d.).
Email: sjcuiux91@gmail.com.
Voice/SMS-Text: +1 (682) 233-3894.
WhatsApp: +1 (469) 226-3103.
1)YouTube Channel -- Doctor of UDesign (c)(sm):
4) Newsletters:
a. https://doctor-of-udesign-hcdi-uxde-centric-c-sm.ihub.app/home?postTypeId=whatsNew
b. https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/innovative-insights-hcd-uxde-7021588405067161600/

About Us: Who is?
'Shane J Charbonnet, Ph.D.
For starters, Shane is an absolute writer aficionadic. What this means is that he has and is still mastering the fundamentals and rudiments of writing.
In fact, his areas of expertise includes: academic writing, professional writing, technical writing and inspirational or invigoratin writing.
A bonafide wordsmith in every sense of this classic and timeless notion.
As odd as it might sound, Shane's earliest years are highlighted with excessive stammmering and stuttering. Not until at the age of 27 would his speech challenge be eliminated for good.
With relentless drive and an all-consuming zeal, Shane has overcome these challenges and hurdles to become that literary and writing maestro-shihan that he undeniably!
Shane has penned 40(+) riveting books (bka "greatreads"), himself. These original manuscripts are the result of haven written countless essays, research papers, etcetera all of which dates back just about 15 years (+).
Hye, did you know? That his books are found on the Amazon Platform. Search for 'Shane Charbonnet, Ph.D.' or 'Shane Jaycee.'
His top 7 books -- i.e., in his candid opinion, includes:
1) Ethereal Oil: Decoding the Giftedness -- CODEX (c)(sm).
Date of publication: February 26, 2024.
Total pages @242.
2) Genius Within Y-ou: : [[ Set (Him/Her) FREE! (c)(sm).
Date of publication: October 1, 2020.
Total pages @105.
3) Epiphanic Stammer: Genesis of an Epic Voice – Day 1 (c)(sm).
Date of publication: October 10, 2023.
Total pages @84.
4) colo (U ) red by - Intelligent Design (sm): Book No. 1-of-3 (c)(sm).
Date of publication: August 6, 2020
Total pages @69.
5) Self-Identity(?): The True Y-ou.: MASTERCLASS (c)(sm).
Date of publication: October 3, 2021.
Total pages @63.
6) Iamtheone (c)(sm): The 119th Periodical Element -- Activate Your Innate
Design Thinking - Elemental Self. Book No. 1-of-2.
Date of publication: February 14, 2025
Total pages @90.
5) Rusty Streetcar (c)(sm): Navigating the Big Easy (80s) – "Becoming the
Design Thinker": Book 1-of-3.
Date of publication: November 9, 2024.
Total pages @141.
Note: All of these are reads that motivate, inform, enlighten, and rivet the inner human persona-soul expression. Get your copy today!!!
Just in case, all of that is not fascinating enough, Shane has also contributed his abilities, skills, giftings, talents all towards benefitting others in need of outstanding written copy and content.
As it pertains unto 'how many people' have been positively impacted by Dr. Shane JC's <<<i.e., astounding work repertoire>>> great work, let's say at the very least about 2,500 professionals, colleagues, and friends alike and fastly everso expanding!
Shane's Professional Slogan: "I Write (great) Content and Copy, Therefore I Am!'
+1 (682) 233-3894 (Voice) or (SMS/text)
Youtube -Doctor of UDesign -- VIRTUAL CHANNEL (c)(sm). @drsjc-udesign:
Doctor of UDesign -- Channel:
LinkedIn - Innovative Insights: HCD/UXDE:
1. https://www.linkedin.com/newsletters/innovative-insights-hcd-uxde-7021588405067161600/